Adam CroftProfessor
Adam Croft is Professor of Translational Rheumatology at the University of Birmingham.
Get an overview of the speakers who presented at ECM2024.
Adam CroftProfessor
Adam Croft is Professor of Translational Rheumatology at the University of Birmingham.
Aleksander KragProfessor
Aleksander Krag is Professor and Department Chair at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Odense University Hospital.
Alexander NyströmGroup Leader
Alexander Nyström is Group Leader at the Department of Dermatology, Medical Center, University of Freiburg.
Andrea HeinzAssociate Professor
Andrea Heinz is Associate Professor at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen.
Anne-Christine Bay-JensenChief Biotechnology Officer and Director
Anne Christine Bay-Jensen is Chief Biotechnology Officer and Director of ImmunoScience at Nordic Bioscience, Herlev.
Dana OrangeAssociate Professor
Dana Orange is Associate Professor of Clinical Investigation at Rockefeller University.
Darcey BlackDirector
Darcey Black is Director Translational at TherapeutAix UG, Aachen.
Detlef SchuppanProfessor
Detlef Schuppan is Professor and Director of the Institute of Translational Immunology and the Clinical Center for Celiac, Small Intestinal, Metabolic and Autoimmune Diseases, Mainz University Medical Center.
Diana Julie LeemingSenior Director
Diana Julie Leeming is Senior Director of Hepatic & Pulmonary Research at Nordic Bioscience, Herlev.
Dinesh KhannaProfessor
Dinesh Khanna is Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan.
Evelyn ArandaDirector of Applications
Evelyn Aranda is Director of Applications, In Matrico at Xylyx Bio, New York.
Faiez ZannadProfessor
Faiez Zannad is Emeritus Professor of Therapeutics at University of Lorraine.
Federica GenoveseScientific Director
Federica Genovese is Scientific Director of Cardiovascular and Renal Research at Nordic Bioscience, Herlev.
Florian RiederProfessor
Florian Rieder is Professor and Director of IBD research, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio.
Gisli JenkinsProfessor
Gisli Jenkins is NIHR Research Professor and Head of Margaret Turner Warwick Centre for Fibrosing Lung Disease, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London.
Giuseppe MazzaChief Executive Officer
Giuseppe Mazza is Chief Executive Officer at Engitix.
Graham ClarkeProfessor
Graham Clarke is Head of Translational Science & Experimental Medicine Operations, Early Respiratory & Immunology at AstraZeneca, Gothenburg and Visiting Professor at Department of Immunobiology at King’s College London.
Hamid KhojaChief Scientific Officer
Hamid Khoja is Chief Scientific Officer at FibroBiologics Inc., Houston Texas.
Henrik Björk HansenScientific Director
Henrik Björk Hansen is Scientific Director at Gubra, Hørsholm.
Hervé PageonResearch Associate
Hervé Pageon is Research Associate at L’Oréal, Paris.
Janine ErlerProfessor
Janine Erler is Professor and Group Leader at Biotech Research and Innovation Centre, University of Copenhagen.
Judith ErtleSenior Clinical Program Lead
Judith Ertle is Senior Clinical Program Lead - NASH, Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim am Rhein.
Lara PerrymanSenior Research Scientist
Lara Perryman is Senior Research Scientist at Syntara, Frenchs Forest, New South Wales.
Lars JohanssonChief Scientific Officer
Lars Johansson is Chief Scientific Officer at Antaros Medical.
Luca BersaniniSenior Sales Specialist
Luca Bersanini is Senior Sales Specialist at Optics11 Life, Amsterdam.
Mahru AnPrincipal Scientist
Mahru An is Principal Scientist at Pliant Therapeutics, San Francisco.
Martin DecarisSenior Director
Martin Decaris is Senior Director of Translational Sciences at Pliant Therapeutics, San Francisco.
Molly CosenoScientific Support Manager
Molly Coseno is Scientific Support Manager at Sengenics, Billerica, Massachusetts.
Morten KarsdalProfessor
Morten Karsdal is Adjunct Professor, Molecular Medicine at the Southern University of Denmark and is CEO of Nordic Bioscience, Herlev.
Oliver DistlerProfessor
Oliver Distler is Professor of Rheumatology at the University of Zurich and Head of the Department of Rheumatology at University Hospital Zurich.
Paul YaworskyChief Scientific Officer
Paul Yaworsky is Chief Scientific Officer at Mediar Therapeutics, Boston, Massachusetts.
Rachel ChambersProfessor
Rachel Chambers is Professor of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology and Director of the Centre for Inflammation and Tissue Repair within the Division of Medicine at University College London.
Raghu KalluriProfessor
Raghu Kalluri is Professor and Chairman at Department of Cancer Biology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas.
Ruedi Stoffel Partnering Network Lead
Ruedi Stoffel is Partnering Network Lead Roche Diagnostics Solutions at Roche, Basel.
Saurabh GuptaSenior Director
Saurabh Gupta is Senior Director of Translational Medicine at Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, New Jersey.
Scott FriedmanProfessor
Scott Friedman is Professor, Dean for Therapeutic Discovery and Chief of the Division of Liver Diseases, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, New York.
Simon Francis ThomsenProfessor
Simon Francis Thomsen is Chief Physician and Professor at Department of Dermatology at Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen.
Sylvie Ricard-BlumProfessor
Sylvie Ricard-Blum is Professor of Biochemistry, Head of Extracellular and Pericellular Supramolecular Assemblies, at the University of Lyon.
Thomas CoxAssociate Professor
Thomas Cox leads the Matrix and Metastasis Lab, part of the Cancer Ecosystems Program at the Garvan Institute and Kinghorn Cancer Centre, Sydney.
Vince FioreSenior Scientist
Vince Fiore is Senior Scientist and Lab Leader at Boehringer Ingelheim, Ridgefield, Connecticut.
The official congress language is English and all times are CEST (Central European Time) UTC +2.
Organised by the International Society of Extracellular Matrix Pharmacology